Year 1984,. Violent gangs of murderers dressed as savage punks control the World. A scientists create a selective nuclear weapon, and send it to the future, to 1988.
- DIRECTOR /Rafa Dengrá
- COUNTRY /Spain
- CATEGORIES /Short film
- RUNTIME /16:40

Director Biography
Rafa Dengrá, Film Director of Just Justice III KungFu Karate Annihilator
Rafa Dengrá, also known as Alexander Dreissel, is a self-taught short filmmaker. Writer, director, film editor, cinematographer and actor, his own production company SoulPsychoKiller is a reference point in fantastic and horror Spanish short film world. His short films have been selected in most important and prestigious festivals around the world. He is the director of the Festival de Cortometrajes Fantásticos y/o Freaks Fantosfreak.
Selected films:
Naturaleza Muerta (2007)
Razor (2008)
HeartTrack (2009)
Máquina (2009)
Brutal Relax (2010)
Alastor (2011)
Oscuro Resplandor (2012)
La Sed Animal (2013)
Justicia Justiciera III Kungfu Karate Annihilator (2016)
Rafa DengráDirectorBrutal Relax
Rafa DengráWriter
Rafa DengráProducerBrutal Relax
Raúl DelacruzKey Cast